Monday, April 5, 2010

Mr. Slotterback's Homework Week of April 5, 2010

Pd 1,2 Practical Environmental Science

Mon: r.s.w. threats to aquatic ecosystems
Tues: lecture: water resources: where does our water come from?
Wed: view aquatic insect videos and discuss different habits of insects
Thur: class goes outside to collect stream organisms
Friday: quiz on local macroinvertebrates

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

Mon: handout: PA's alternative energy sources
Tues: powerpoint of common birds
Wed: students count and identify birds in schoolyard: bring binoculars if you have them
Thur: Notes : "Powering PA"
Friday: read and answer questions: pg 466-475: #1-5

Pd 6 Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: students copy "quick-guide" into lab notebook
Tues: discuss lab design for "PGlo"
Wed: Using p-glo kit students innoculate culture plates
Thur: student check culture plates for growth
Friday: students purify protein from pGlo

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