Saturday, December 15, 2012

Homework/Agenda Week of Dec 17, 2012

Pd 1,2 Practical Biology

Mon:notes on natural selection/evolution; handout pg 3-8
Tues:evolution (thumb) lab
Wed:handout pag 10-14
Thur:paper dot lab/ quiz on evolution
Fri:half day for Christmas Vacation

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science

Mon:go over water quality packet; pg 313: #1-6
Tues:review basketball game for exam
Wed:Exam on Water Pollution
Thur:slide presentation on endangered species work in Hawaii
Fri:half day for Christmas vacation

Pd 6,7 Biotechnology

Mon:histories mysteries video clip/wksht; notes "forensics"
Tues:Who are parents wksht; forensic entomology career wksht
Wed:blood typing lab
Thur:worksheets on determining scale of a line graph
Fri:half day for Christmas vacation

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Agenda/Homework Week of Dec 10, 2012

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Mon:no class because of keystone exams
Tues: wkshts on genetics review
Wed:notes: exceptions to mendel's rules, strawberry dna lab
Thur:study guide
Fri:exam on Genetics

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science

Mon:keystone exams testing for 11th grade (no class)
Tues:chapter review questions pg 315: #10-17; pg 316: #18,19,21,23-25
Wed:go over chapter review questions; start video "chesapeake bay"
Thur:notes: how to monitor water quality
Fri:finish video "Chesapeake Bay"
Test on Water Pollution next week (Tues or Wed)

Pd 6,7 Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon:complete lab packet pages 38-42 in study hall
Tues:finish conclusions in lab notebook
Wed:quiz: bacteria transformation
Thur:review for exam on enzymes, restriction enzymes, micropipettes, electrophoresis, standard curve, sig figs, cheese making

Friday, November 30, 2012

Agenda for Week of Dec 3, 2012

Practical General Biology

Mon:punnett square practice wksht #2
Tues: Notes: Mendel's Exceptions; pg 195:12-20 and 21-26
Wed:making babies lab
Thur:making babies lab; section review questions 179:1-4, 182:1,2
Fri:video "genetic diseases" and wksht

Environmental Science

Mon:section review ?s: 295:1-6; 303: 1-6
Tues: article and wksht "why the west is burning"
Wed: Lecture notes: Marcellus shale drilling
Thur: group work to come up with solutions to shortage of freshwater
Fri:aquatic insect videos

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: notes/practice significant figures; wksht
Tues: prepare for pGlo lab; enter procedure in lab notebook
Wed: complet pglo tranformation lab
Thur:view results of pglo lab; complete lab worksheets
Fri:notes: DNA fingerprinting and forensic analysis

Monday, November 19, 2012

Homework/Agenda Nov 19,2012

Practical General Biology
Mon:mitosis notes; start genetics disease brochure
tues:view mitosis slides in lab; continue brochure
Wed:finish brochure in library
Happy Thanksgiving Break!

Environmental Science

Mon:notes on water resources
tues:design an experiment to test Mahanoy Creek water
Wed:analyze creek water samples for iron/pH
Happy Thanksgiving Break!

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon:electrophoresis lab/ rare cutter worksheet
tues:electrophoresis lab
Wed:read electrophoresis gels
Happy thanksgiving break!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Agenda Week of Nov 12, 2012

Pd 1,2 General Biology
mon:osmosis lab
tues:finish osmosis lab
wed:calculate percent changes, quiz; review worksheet
thur:review for cell biology exam
fri:cell biology exam

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science
mon:pg 216:#1-6; 223: #1-5
tues:review worksheet (populations)
wed:go over review worksheet
thur: review game for exam on ecology (chapters 4,5,8)
fri:Ecology Exam

Pd 6,7 Genetics and Biotechnology

mon:notes: what are enzymes
tues:pipette and microcentrifuge lab
wed:notes: restriction enzymes
thur:lab: dna scissors
fri:electrophoresis lab/ lambda dna

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Agenda/Homework Week of Nov 5, 2012

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Mon: go over page 49, 53, 56 questions
Tues: notes: cell structures and functions, finish plant and animal cell drawing
Wed: finish notes; handout: cell is like a city
Thur: quiz: cell structures and functions
Fri: no school

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science

Mon:notes on biotic interactions
Tues:writing prompt: biotic interactions
Wed:notes: population cycles
Thur:quiz: biotic interactions; design a food web
Fri: No school

Pd 6,7 Genetics and biotechnology

Mon:notes on food biotechnology
Tues: cheese lab
WEd:refined cheese lab
Thur:finish cheese lab writeup; cheese assessment
Fri:no school

Friday, October 26, 2012

Agenda for Oct 29, 2012

Pd 1,2 Practical Bio

Mon: go over chemistry of life review sheet
Tues:quiz on atoms; notes: cell functions
Wed:cell lab
Thur: finish cell lab: homeostasis notes
Fri:writing prompt: cell is like a city

Pd 3,4 Environmental Science

Mon:lynx vs hare lab
Tues:finish lynx vs hare lab and wksht
Wed:pg 216:#1-6; 223:#1-5
Thur:notes on trophic relationships
Fri:writing prompt" Biotic Interactions"

Pd 6,7 Biotech

Mon:review for biostats test
Tues:biostats test
Wed:notes on food biotechnology
Thur: cheese lab demonstration
Fri:Your World 15(1): obesity with wksht

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Agenda for week of October 22, 2012

Practical General Biology

Mon:review for test on Microorganisms
Tues:test on Microorganisms: Algae, protists, bacteria, viruses, fungi
Wed:start Chapter 2: Chemistry of life
Thur: practice more Bohr's model of the atom
Fri:quiz: life's chemistry

Environmental Science

Mon:notes: threats to forests
Tues: no pd 3 class due to senior pssa retests
Wed: no pd 3 class due to senior pssa retests
Thur: students go outside to model "Oh Deer" activity
Fri:read pg 211-216 (#1-6); pg 217-223 (#1-5)

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon:practice chi-square problems in class
Tues: more practice chi-square: finish wksht #1, start wksht #2
Wed: go over wksht #2; library to start writing up fruit fly lab
Thur: work on your own fly data to determine an answer to the experiment
Fri:quiz on chi-square, library to work on paper

Monday, October 15, 2012

Agenda for Week Of October 15, 2012

Practical General Biology

Mon:notes: viruses: section review questions: pg 543-545: #1-5; pg 552-554: #1-5
Tues:notes: fungi
Wed:outside trip to identify and discuss fungi
Thur:review packet for microorganism test: bacteria, virus, protozoan, algae, fungi
Fri:microorganism test

Environmental Science

Mon:outside to gather data on succession from late stage forest
Tues:work on writing up the lab in class according to scientific format
Wed: go over review questions pg 125-131, 129, and 132-136
Thur:notes on trophic relationships
Fri:practice drawing food webs on the blackboard

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon:worksheet #2 binomial theorem problems
Tues:start to wrapup fruit fly lab
Wed:lecture on chi-square analysis
Thur:final lab period for drosophila experiment
Fri:start outling report for drosophila

Friday, September 28, 2012

Agenda for Week of Oct 1, 2012

Practical General Biology

Mon:read 555-558: #1-6; 559-561:#1; 563-565: #1-6
Tues:use of microscope; video "Algae and Protists"
Wed:notes: protists and algae
Thur:check bacteria culture plates, video "Bacteria"
Fri:Notes: viruses; bacteriophage drawing

Environmental Science

Mon:notes: intro to ecology
Tues:outside to collect leaves
Wed:identify leaves using taxonomic key
Thur:notes: succession (textbook pg 135-141)
Fri:read 125-131:#1-6; 129: 1,2; 132-136: #1-6

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon:nova video "genes" ; drosophila lab progress check
Tues:review for exam
Wed:test. topics include: bioethics, intro to biotech, biotech topics, ld50, mosquitos, Drosophila, mendel's principles/exceptions and di-hybrid cross
Thur:count drosophila cultures, summary table in lab notebook
Fri:video and wksht "Photo 51"

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Homework/Agenda Week of Sep 24, 2012

Practical General Biology

Mon:read 518-521 and 533-535 section review 521:#1-6, 535: #1-5
Tues:chapter review questions: 539:6,7,8-13,16,18,20
Wed:leaf shape identification (outside)
Thur:review game then test on Classification
Fri: start microorganism unit

Environmental Science

Mon:chapter review questions: chapter 2:10-19, 21, 25-27
Tues:go over chapter review questions in class
Wed:basketball review game
Thur:Test: Chapter 1,2
Fri:outdoor leaf collection and identification


Mon:biotech topic reports
Tues:biotech topic reports
Wed:start "use of animals in medical research" paper
Thur:check and record progress of Drosophila experiment
Fri:video "Nova: Genes" and wksht

Friday, September 14, 2012

Agenda Week of Sep 17, 2012

Practical General Biology

Mon: study guide for insect unit test
Tues: test: insects
Wed: writing prompt: insect importance
Thur:read 518-521 and 533-535 answer section review questions (#1-5) in each
Fri:notes: Classification and taxonomy; money and salamander key

Environmental Science

Mon: read pg 47-51 in textbook, copy table 3 (p 47) into notebook
Tues: read articles on Flyash in Lavelle
Wed:construct decision-making model for flyash
Thur:read pg 33-39 and answer review questions; quiz on lavelle flyash
Fri:graphing worksheet practice

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: students set up fruit fly crosses
Tues:research biotech topics
Wed:research biotech topics
Thur:report on biotech topics
Fri:report on biotech topics

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Homework week of Sep 10, 2012

Practical General Biology Mon: students label and classify collected insects Tues: library research on insect order importance Wed: present "insect court" Thur: label and color grasshopper anatomy drawing Fri: quiz: insects Environmental Science Mon: notes: scientific method Tues: wkshts on science Wed: finish bart simpson exp. design worksheet Thur: pendulum lab Fri: quiz: scientific method Genetics and Biotechnology Mon: discuss results of mosquito lab Tues: writeup mosquitor report in library: due tuesday sep 8th Wed: wksht on scientific method Thur: notes on drosophila Fri: set up mating experiment wit Drosophila flies

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Homework for Week of September 4, 2012

Monday: no school Labor Day Tues: practical general biology: quiz: biological themes environmental science: pg 9-15: questions 1-6; pg 16-21: questions 1-5 biotechnology: study vocab words Wed: practical general biology: start incect section environmental science: vocab word list, hunter/gatherer wksht biotechnology: research biotech topic (library) Thur: practical general biology: collect insects outside environmental science: quiz on intro to environment vocab biotechnology: research biotech topic (library) Fri: practical general biology: process and label specimens environmental science: work on decision making model: flyash Lavelle biotechnology: research biotech topic (library)

Friday, August 31, 2012

Welcome Back

Welcome back to the first week of an exciting new school year! I hope everyone is excited about their classes and about learning. If we all cooperate and keep a great attitude it will be a very great year!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Agenda for week of May 21, 2012

Practical Environmental science Mon: notes: pa energy, solar energy Tues: review for final Wed: review Thur:no class fri:no class Tuesday after easter: final exam Environmental Science pd 3,5 Final Exam Monday: be sure to hand in notebooks and old quizzes Genetics and Biotechnology Wed: final exam

Monday, May 14, 2012

Agenda for Week of May 14, 2012

Pd 1,2 Practical Env. Science Mon:ozone hole video wksht Tues:essay on global warming due Wed:review for air pollution test thur: test: air pollution Fri:notes: powering pa Pd 3,5 Environmental Science Mon: review for test (go over review packets) Tues: exam chapter 15 Wed: review for final exam thur:review for final exam Fri:review for final exam which is monday May 21st Pd 6,7 Biotech Mon: start c.s.i forensics pcr lab tues: quiz: forensic science Wed:quiz:pcr quiz; thur: review for final exam Fri:review for final exam (wed may 23)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Homework/Objectives for Week of May 7, 2012

Pd 1,2 Practical environmental Science Mon:go over review questions pg 330,335 assign poster on how to prevent air pollution Tues:notes:global warming; john stossel video wksht Wed:global warming essay (counts as writing prompt) must be opinion style Thur:notes: smokestack pollution; pH lab Fri: video "ozone: hole story" wksht Pd 3, 5 Environmental Science Mon:go over review questions pg 411, 416, 422 Tues:finish notes on ag; video clips of farming practices Wed:quiz: intro to ag, review packet Thur:notes IPM Fri:possible outside walk to view erosion control and local crops Pd 6,7 Genetics and Biotechnology mon:finish bacteria transformation notes; do focus questions for pglo lab tues:innoculate culture plates for pglo lab wed:quiz: electrophoresis thur:start getting ready for elisa lab fri:quiz; bacteria transformation

Monday, April 23, 2012

homework/agenda week of April 23, 2012

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Mon: measure mahanoy creek water samples: quiz macroinvert tally
tues:library: powerpoint presentation; discuss mahanoy creek experiment
wed:library : powerpoint
thur: basketball review game
fri:test: water resources and water pollution

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science

Mon:pg 499:#2,
Tues:table on adv/disadv
Wed:video "Coal, clean skies"
thur:writing prompt
fri:students plant trees for erosion control

Pd 6,7 Genetics and Biotechnology

mon:finish pipett lab
tues:review for exam
wed:test on biostats, enzymes
thur:significant figures practice
fri:DNA precut lambda lab

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Homework/Agenda Week of April 16, 2012

Pd 1,2 Practical Environmental Science

mon:start library internet research/powerpoint project
tues:notes on Mahanoy Creek Experiment setup: volunteers bring in creek water sample
wed:trip outdoors to locate and identify macroinverts
thur:water testing Mahanoy Creek samples
fri:quiz: water resources/pollution

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science

mon:sketch of nuclear powerplant, colored/labeled
tues:notes: solar energy; get tests back
wed:chapter 17 review questions: pg 481:9-15, pg 482: 16-24
thur:notes: fuel cell technology
fri:quiz: nuclear energy; go over section review questions

Pd 6,7 Genetics and Biotechnology

mon:drosophila papers due
tues:lab: dna scissors; enzyme quiz
wed:significant figures/ worksheet
thur:lambda dna restriction enzyme lab; restriction enzyme quiz
fri:discuss lab; review for test
mon: test

Monday, April 2, 2012

h.w./agenda Week of April 2, 2012

No School Thur, Fri this week due to Easter Break.

Practical Env. Science

mon:read "waters at risk" packet and answer questions: notes: Water Resources
tues: water quality parameter packets
wed: endangered species of Hawaii slides

Environmental Science

mon: handout pa's alternative energy/wksht; h.w. read 467-475 and answer #1-6 (p475)
tues: notes: powering pa
wed: video "shale gas and america's future"

Genetics and Biotechnology

mon:cheese lab; must have procedure copied into lab notebooks
tues:notes: what are enzymes
wed:pipette lab

Monday, March 26, 2012

Homework guide week of March 26, 2012

Practical Environmental

Mon: lecture: Understanding populations
Tues:lecture: threats to forest
Wed: quiz: populations
Thur: review packet for test
Fri: test Chap 4,5, 8

Environmental Science

Mon: waste packet
Tues: notes: superfund cleanup
Wed: quiz: waste
thur: review packet
Fri: test on Chapter 19:Waste

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: Chi-square practice
Tues: finish chi-square: library to write drosophila report
Wed: library : finish report
Thur: quiz: chi-square
Fri: notes: food Biotechnology

Monday, March 19, 2012

Homework/Agenda Week of Mar 19, 2012

Practical Env. Science

Mon: notes on succession/ video wksht on PA's old growth forests
Tues: quiz on energy pyramid/ trophic groups/ succession; lynx vs hare lab
Wed: finish notes on succession; graph predator/prey lab
Thur: Oh deer! outdoor activity
Fri: Succession hike: discover areas of local succession

Environmental Science

Mon: get Air Pollution tests back: opportunity to do corrections
Tues: writing prompt: what to do with waste?
Wed: Notes: Solid Waste management
thur: debate on who should pay for superfund site cleanup
fri: school grounds litter cleanup

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: Notes on Binomial theorem
tues: quiz: basics of probability; practic binomial theorem, count flies
wed: outline fruit fly paper, more binomial practice
thur: quiz binomial theorem; chi-square lecture
fri: chi square practice problems in class

Friday, March 9, 2012

Agenda/H.W. for week of 12 Mar 2012

This week is Math and Reading PSSAs

Pd 1,2 Practical Environmental Science

mon: finish notes on biotic interactions; food web activity
tues: finish and present food web activity with your group
wed-friday: not in session due to PSSA testing

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science

mon: Read as an introduction to Waste Management pages 517-528. Answer section review questions 523(#1-6) and 528 (#1-6)
tues: class does not meet
wed: video clips on recycling; break into groups to discuss recycling in everyday life
thur: class does not meet
fri: demonstration on neutralizing acid

Pd 6,7 Genetics and Biotechnology

mon: Your World 15(1): obesity; writing prompt: obesity
tues-wed: class does not meet
thur: count fruit flies; summarize data
fri: class does not meet

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mr. Slotterback's Agenda Week of Mar 5, 2012

Pd 1,2 Practical Environmental Science

mon: jeopardy review game; chapter review questions 277:8-15
tues: review first period; test chapter 10 endangered/invasive species 2nd period
wed: Notes: Introduction to Ecology; section review questions 102:1-5; 107:1-6
thur: outside trip to view areas of different successional stages
fri: notes: succession part 1; watch video with worksheet: Aldo Leopold

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science

mon: video "cool it"
tues: quiz: ph/acid rain; finish "cool it" and discuss
wed: review for test: pg 341:10-19, 22 pg 371:14-18
thur: review game for test (Chapter 12,13 Air Pollution)
fri: test on Air Pollution

Pd 6,7 Genetics and Biotechnology

mon: count and summarize data for drosophila experiment
tues: review for test on Intro, bioethics, Mendel, Ld50 Test
wed: test
thur: Notes: basic statistics: product and sum rules; wksht
fri: notes: binomial theorem; quiz: basic stats

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Agenda/Homework Week of Feb 21, 2012

Pd 1,2 Practical Env. Science

Tues:view GBBC data from website; go over 262:#1-5, 269:#1-6; tonight: go on a Pennsylvania threatened/endangered species website to choose your topic for brochure
Wed:working in library on Endangered Species Brochure; lecture: endangered species
Thur:bog turtle article and summary/wksht
Fri:read article: quiZ: endangered species; read "making a difference E.O. Wilson"; r.s.w. three levels

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science

Tues:bellringer: why is bird monitoring important?; go over pg 330, 335 review questions
Wed:notes: air pollution
Thur:read "Donora" article and write a summary paragraph
Fri:complete "dustbuster" lab research worksheet

Pd 6,7 Genetics and Biotechnology

Tues:check and discuss results of mosquito LD50 lab. write rough draft of lab report
Wed:notes on punnett squares, di-hybrid cross worksheet and practice; write up LD50 lab in library on computer
Thur:finish mosquito lab report in library
Fri:quiz: Mendle genetics

Monday, February 13, 2012

Agenda for week of Feb 13, 2012

No class on Friday due to ACT 80 Day.

Pd 1, 2

mon:gestalt wksht and bird identification packet
tues:slideshow of common PA winter birds; bird vocalizations
wed: quiz on pa winter birds; lecture: endangered species
thur:great backyard bird count: wear warm clothes to go outside; bring binoculars if you have them

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science

mon:review of bird slides; study for quiz
tues:bird quiz; pg 324-335 in textbook; review questions #1-6 on 330,335
wed:notes: intro to air pollution
thur:great backyard bird count; wear warm clothes to go outside; bring binoculars if you have them

Pd 6,7 Genetics and Biotechnology

mon:check fly cultures for eggs
tues: video and wksht "Nova: Genes"
wed:Notes: Mendel's principles
thur:quiz; mendel; notes on punnett squares; practice di-hybrid punnetts

Friday, January 20, 2012

Homework/Agenda week of Jan 23, 2012

Please note that Friday will be a half day for the students (Act 80)

Pd 1,2 Practical Env. Science

Mon:students recieve books and read page 4-15, complete questions #1-5 (p8) and #1-6 (p15). Please write out the questions or answer in complete sentences that make sense in studying for a quiz/test.
Tues: discuss local environmental problems in class
Wed: notes on scientific method; quiZ: intro to env science
Thur:students develop an hypothesis and test it in lab
Fri: handout" what is science? the bart sheet

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science

Mon: finish notes on endangered species; video clip delta smelt
Tues: video "Cane Toads", wksht
Wed: notes: invasive species; quiz on endangered species (vocab)
Thur: lab: invasive species from the great lakes
Fri: discuss cane toad wkshts and great lake handout

Pd 6,7 Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: students read bioethics handout pag 375-379; choose case study #1 or #2 and complete "box-up" sheet
Tues: notes on use of animals in medical research
Wed: quiz: intro to biotech
Thur:use library computers to investigate computers
Fri: students present biotech topic of their choosing.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Midterm/finals week January 9, 2012

I hope everyone does a good job studying for their finals. It is always important to do a good job. Good studying!

Practical Biology

Test Tuesday: be sure to bring in your notebooks and old quizzes

Environmental Science

Test thur (3rd period section) or Friday (5th period section)
Be sure to look over your study guide in preparation and think about what you will write for the essay which is on "Tragedy of the Commons". Be sure to remember your notebooks to hand in and your old quizzes.

Genetics and Biotechnology

Test Wed. Study old quizzes, notes, etc. Be sure to bring in your notebooks (both lab and lecture) on Wed.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Special Midterm/Final Announcement

Next week will be midterm/finals week and everyone is expected to be studying for these exams.

The schedule is as follows:

Tuesday, Jan 10: Practical General Biology Final Exam (counts for 20% of your final grade)

Wed, Jan 11: final exam for Genetics and Biotechnology (counts for 20% of your final grade)

Thur, Jan 12: midterm exam for Environmental Science pd 3 (counts for 10% your final grade)

Friday, Jan 13: midterm for Environmental Science pd 5 (counts 10%)

Agenda Week of Jan 2, 2012

Practical General Biology

Thur: finish video "Biological Evolution", recieve study guide packet; quiz: evolution #2; first 25 questions assigned for homework: use your notebook to find most of the answers
Fri: continue on study packet; review answers

Environmental Science

Thur:try to finish Endangered Species Brochure
Fri:review for midterm exam; finish brochures and printing of brochures in library


Thur: complete experiment on ELISA; complete ELISA handouts; quiz on animal testing in research; start video assignment: GATTACA