Monday, December 15, 2008

pd 1,2 Environmental Science
This week we will finish up water pollution unit. Review on Thursday. Test Friday

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology
This week we will finish up Genetics Unit. Review Wednesday. Test Friday.
Tuesday's h.w.: pg 217: #1-7
Wednesday's h.w.: pg 195: #12, 26-28; pg 197: #1-3; pg 221: 17, 19, 20

Pd 5 Academic Biology
This week we will finish up unit on bacteria and viruses. Review Thursday, Test Friday.
h.w. tuesday: pg 551: #1-5

Pd 6: Biotechnology
this week we will focus on chi-square analysis
Quiz on Friday. We will also finish monitoring our flys and counting F1 and F2 generations

Monday, December 8, 2008

Pd 1,2 Environmental Science
This week we will study macroinvertebrates as indicators of water quality. homework for wed: page 303: #3,4; pg 313: #1-5

Friday Quiz: macroinvertebrate identification

Pd 3,4 Pract Biology
This week we will practice punnett squares and do a lab on baby genetics. hw. for tuesday: page 182: #1-5
Wednesday will be quiz on punnett squares

PD 5 Academic Biology

We will be focusing on Bacteria this week. h.w. for tuesday: pag 558: #1-6
Tuesday: quiz on bacteria vocabulary

thursday's homework: page 561: #1-5

Pd 6 Biotechnology

we will cover binomial theorem this week with a test on it on Friday.
Tuesday will be the quiz on basic probability questions

Monday, November 24, 2008

Pd 1,2 Environmental Science

Tuesday: quiz on water resources lecture
Homework due after holiday break: water use record for one day at home: lab worksheet

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology
quiz tuesday: homeostasis vocabulary
tuesday: basketball review game
wednesday: cell biology unit test: structure and function, cell size, homeostasis, mitosis

Pd 5 Academic Bio
tuesday: quiz: evolution; notes on classification of 5 kingdoms

Pd 6 Biotechnology and Genetics
Tuesday: quiz on mendel's exceptions
we will start counting our fly cross results

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Pd 1,2 Environmental Science

Tuesday we will start water quality unit with a lecture on water resources homework for Wednesday: pag 190:#3,5 and pg 197: #1-6
Study for a quiz thursday on the material from this lecture
At the end of the week we will start an experiment on eutrophication

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology
This week we will cover the topic "Homeostasis". This will involve a lecture and lab setup on Tuesday. H.w. for tuesday: page 87:#15. H.w for friday pag 137: #1-6
Study for a quiz friday on homeostasis

Pd 5 Academic Biology
for tuesday: pg 314: #1-6
Review game wednesday in preparation for test on Thursday (Evolution)

Pd 6 Biotechnology
Tuesday a quiz on Mendel's experiments
Hopefully by end of the week everyone will have fruit fly crosses successfully established.
thursday's lecture topic: significant figures

Monday, November 10, 2008

Pd 1,2 Environmental Science
Test on chapters 4,5,8 on Friday. Review Game Thursday

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology
Monday is test on Microorganisms
Tuesday we will start cell biology lab. tuesday's homework: read 63-65 and complete #1-5; read 66-74 and complete #1-5

Pd 5 Academic Biology
This week we will finish up the unit on evolution. Test will be Friday.
Tuesday's homework: review questions page 309: #1-6

Pd 6 Biotechnology
We will continue our drosophila genetics experiment and will start the topic of significant figures this week.Tuesday's h.w.: read page 9-17 in "human genetics" text and complete reading strategy worksheet

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pd 1, 2 Environmental Science

Final two lessons on population growth and species interactions this week. Tuesday's h.w. assignments will be #136: 1-6.

This week we will review and have ecology test on chapters 4,5, and 8 early next week.

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology

This week we will finish up notes on algae and fungus. Friday will be our test on microorganisms.
Students should start studying now to do well on this exam.

Pd 5 Academic Biology

We will continue or discussion of evolution with notes on Tuesday, an activity on Thursday.
Tuesday's homework: pg 301: #1-5
Wednesday homework: pg 309: #1-6

Pd 6 Biotechnology

We will be using digital microscopes from science in motion to study the anatomy of fruit flies.
thursday will be fruit fly quiz.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pd 1,2 Environmental Science
monday night students need to find the cost/ounce and # calories/ounce in order to calculate efficiency of food types. due tuesday. anyone not handing in their notebook monday must have it for tuesday.

Tuesday nights homework is read 132-136. answer #1-6 on page 136.

The end of week will conclude with lab simulation of predator/prey cycles.

Pd 3,4 Practical Biology
This week we will start microorganisms unit. tuesday's homework: read section and answer questions on page 551:#1-5

Thursday's homework: 580: #1-5 and 585: #1,2,4,5 after reading each section

this week we will do a lab to check out where bacteria grow

Pd 5 Academic biology

This week we start the topic of evolution
monday homework: read section and complet 301:#1-6
tuesday: read section and answer 309:#1-6
Thursday: read section and answer 351:#1-6

fossil lab friday

Pd 6 Biotechnology

This week in lecture we will discuss mendel's genetic studies.
The end of the week we will use the digital microscopes on loan from Science in Motion to photograph fruit flies.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mr.Slotterback's Homework Oct 20, 2008

Environmental Science PD 1,2

We are studying the names of the species of different leaf types found around the school. A quiz will be given thursday. These are the common ones listed on our succession lab.

Friday will continue with ecology topic: energy flow in an ecosystem

Practical Biology Pd 3,4

We will be learning to use microscopes and looking at water samples on Wednesday. If students did n0t finish questions that were assigned Monday they should do them for homework due wednesday. There will be a test Thursday on all the Ecology Topics we covered.

Academic Bio Pd 5

Leaf quiz Tuesday. Wednesday will be a review for Thursday's test on the scientific method.
Friday we will start our unit on cells

Biotechnology Pd 6

This week we will start fruit fly cultures for our genetics experiment. We will also practice identifying the sex of fruit flies, anesthetizing flies, etc. There will be a quiz on Thursday on fruit fly biology and techniques.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Environmental Science pd 1,2

read pages 137-141 on succession. answer questions #1-2 on page 139 and questions #1-6 on page 141. We will be going outside wednesday to compare forests in different stages of succession around the school. We will continue with studying ecology topics for the remainder of the week.

Practical General Biology pd 3,4

Wednesday will be a quiz on leaf types. Tuesday and Wednesday we will go outside to apply some concepts we learned to stages of forest succession around the school.

Academic Biology Pd 5

Students will have their scientific method quiz on Tuesday. On Wednesday, and possibly Thursday, students will go outside to identify forests in various stages of successsion.

Biotechnology Pd 6
cheese-making lab report due Tuesday. Thursday will be a test covering chapters #1-6

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mr. Slotterback's Homework Week of Oct 7, 2008

pd 1,2 Environmental Science

Test Tuesday. Wednesday will be test makeup day and notes to start the new unit on ecology.

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology
We will be studying the scientific method. notes monday, h.w. for tuesday is page 17, #1-6, tuesday an experiment. There will be a quiz Wednesday on scientific method.

Pd 5 Academic Biology
We will be doing hands on experiments to practice using the scientific method. Monday's homework will be page 17, #1-6. Friday will be quiz on scientific method.

Pd 6 Genetics and Biotechnology
This week we will be making cheese in the lab. Thursday will be an assessment on cheese making procedure. Friday we will start getting ready to set up fruit fly experiment.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Mr. Slotterback's homework week of Sep 29th, 2008

Environmental Science
Pd 1,2

The Mahanoy Creek Water Quality report is due Wednesday.
There will be a review on Thursday and then test on Friday on Chapter 1

Practical General Biology
Pd 3,4

tuesday's homework will be section review questions page 528
There will be a review on thursday and then a test on classification on Friday

Academic Biology
Pd 5

review on Tuesday and Test Wednesday on Insects

Genetics and Biotechnology
Pd 6

This week we will finish up our plant (food) biotechnology topic and will complete a lab on cheese making.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mr. Slotterback's homework assignments for week of sept 22

Mr. Slotterback’s Homework Helpline Current Post

Environmental Science Pd 1, 2
This week we will be writing up Mahanoy Creek Water Quality Report. Wednesday will be a quiz on graph construction and interpretation.

Practical General Biology Pd 3, 4
This week we will start the topic of classification. Students will practice by constructing their own taxonomic keys.

Academic Biology Pd 5
students will be finishing up insect unit with grasshopper dissection at the end of the week. Test will likely be next tuesday.

Biotechnology Pd 6
this week we will be looking at agricultural uses of biotechnology and will include a lab on food biotechnology.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mr. Slotterback's homework week of Sep 15th, 2008

Environmental Science
Pd 1,2

This week students will be designing an experiment to test the water quality in the Mahanoy Creek. On Friday, Mr. Stout from Science in Motion will visit the class and demonstrate the proper use of water sampling equipment.

tuesday h.w.: graphing worksheet

Practical General Biology
Pd 3,4

this week we will be doing grasshopper dissections as we talk about insect anatomy and physiology.

there will be a test on friday on insects.

Academic Biology
Pd 5

this week we will continue discussing biology and ecology of insects as students prepare their insects for the insect collection.

Quiz on friday on insects

Genetics and Biotechnology
Pd 6

Students will finish producing powerpoint presentations on Monday. the rest of the week students will present their topics, then take a test on all the topics on Friday.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Homework for week of Sep 8, 2008

Environmental Science
Pd 1,2

Tues: Bart simpson scientific method worksheet
Wed: Graphing Worksheet; Experimental Design in Class
Thur: Data presentation worksheet
Fri: quiz on scientific method

Practical General Biology
Pd 3,4

wed: quiz on insects
friday: test on insects

Academic Biology
Pd 5

wed: quiz: insect metamorphosis/ collecting
friday: insect test

Genetics and Biotechnology
Pd 6

this week students are finishing powerpoint presentations on biotech topic and presenting to the rest of the class.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Week of September 1, 2008

Environmental Science
vocab quiz on thursday

Practical Biology
vocab quiz wednesday

Academic Biology
vocab quiz wednesday

vocab quiz wednesday