Monday, April 23, 2012

homework/agenda week of April 23, 2012

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Mon: measure mahanoy creek water samples: quiz macroinvert tally
tues:library: powerpoint presentation; discuss mahanoy creek experiment
wed:library : powerpoint
thur: basketball review game
fri:test: water resources and water pollution

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science

Mon:pg 499:#2,
Tues:table on adv/disadv
Wed:video "Coal, clean skies"
thur:writing prompt
fri:students plant trees for erosion control

Pd 6,7 Genetics and Biotechnology

mon:finish pipett lab
tues:review for exam
wed:test on biostats, enzymes
thur:significant figures practice
fri:DNA precut lambda lab

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Homework/Agenda Week of April 16, 2012

Pd 1,2 Practical Environmental Science

mon:start library internet research/powerpoint project
tues:notes on Mahanoy Creek Experiment setup: volunteers bring in creek water sample
wed:trip outdoors to locate and identify macroinverts
thur:water testing Mahanoy Creek samples
fri:quiz: water resources/pollution

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science

mon:sketch of nuclear powerplant, colored/labeled
tues:notes: solar energy; get tests back
wed:chapter 17 review questions: pg 481:9-15, pg 482: 16-24
thur:notes: fuel cell technology
fri:quiz: nuclear energy; go over section review questions

Pd 6,7 Genetics and Biotechnology

mon:drosophila papers due
tues:lab: dna scissors; enzyme quiz
wed:significant figures/ worksheet
thur:lambda dna restriction enzyme lab; restriction enzyme quiz
fri:discuss lab; review for test
mon: test

Monday, April 2, 2012

h.w./agenda Week of April 2, 2012

No School Thur, Fri this week due to Easter Break.

Practical Env. Science

mon:read "waters at risk" packet and answer questions: notes: Water Resources
tues: water quality parameter packets
wed: endangered species of Hawaii slides

Environmental Science

mon: handout pa's alternative energy/wksht; h.w. read 467-475 and answer #1-6 (p475)
tues: notes: powering pa
wed: video "shale gas and america's future"

Genetics and Biotechnology

mon:cheese lab; must have procedure copied into lab notebooks
tues:notes: what are enzymes
wed:pipette lab