Friday, November 30, 2012

Agenda for Week of Dec 3, 2012

Practical General Biology

Mon:punnett square practice wksht #2
Tues: Notes: Mendel's Exceptions; pg 195:12-20 and 21-26
Wed:making babies lab
Thur:making babies lab; section review questions 179:1-4, 182:1,2
Fri:video "genetic diseases" and wksht

Environmental Science

Mon:section review ?s: 295:1-6; 303: 1-6
Tues: article and wksht "why the west is burning"
Wed: Lecture notes: Marcellus shale drilling
Thur: group work to come up with solutions to shortage of freshwater
Fri:aquatic insect videos

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: notes/practice significant figures; wksht
Tues: prepare for pGlo lab; enter procedure in lab notebook
Wed: complet pglo tranformation lab
Thur:view results of pglo lab; complete lab worksheets
Fri:notes: DNA fingerprinting and forensic analysis

Monday, November 19, 2012

Homework/Agenda Nov 19,2012

Practical General Biology
Mon:mitosis notes; start genetics disease brochure
tues:view mitosis slides in lab; continue brochure
Wed:finish brochure in library
Happy Thanksgiving Break!

Environmental Science

Mon:notes on water resources
tues:design an experiment to test Mahanoy Creek water
Wed:analyze creek water samples for iron/pH
Happy Thanksgiving Break!

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon:electrophoresis lab/ rare cutter worksheet
tues:electrophoresis lab
Wed:read electrophoresis gels
Happy thanksgiving break!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Agenda Week of Nov 12, 2012

Pd 1,2 General Biology
mon:osmosis lab
tues:finish osmosis lab
wed:calculate percent changes, quiz; review worksheet
thur:review for cell biology exam
fri:cell biology exam

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science
mon:pg 216:#1-6; 223: #1-5
tues:review worksheet (populations)
wed:go over review worksheet
thur: review game for exam on ecology (chapters 4,5,8)
fri:Ecology Exam

Pd 6,7 Genetics and Biotechnology

mon:notes: what are enzymes
tues:pipette and microcentrifuge lab
wed:notes: restriction enzymes
thur:lab: dna scissors
fri:electrophoresis lab/ lambda dna

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Agenda/Homework Week of Nov 5, 2012

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Mon: go over page 49, 53, 56 questions
Tues: notes: cell structures and functions, finish plant and animal cell drawing
Wed: finish notes; handout: cell is like a city
Thur: quiz: cell structures and functions
Fri: no school

Pd 3,5 Environmental Science

Mon:notes on biotic interactions
Tues:writing prompt: biotic interactions
Wed:notes: population cycles
Thur:quiz: biotic interactions; design a food web
Fri: No school

Pd 6,7 Genetics and biotechnology

Mon:notes on food biotechnology
Tues: cheese lab
WEd:refined cheese lab
Thur:finish cheese lab writeup; cheese assessment
Fri:no school