Friday, December 18, 2009

Mr Slotterback Agenda and Homework Week of Dec 21, 2009

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Mon: we will finish up percent calculations, why are cells small, and review for tuesday's test on cells. Students should study notes and lab and quizzes for the test
Tuesday: Test on Cell Biology (Chapter 3)
Wed: volleyball tournament
Thur-Friday: Have a great Christmas vacation!

Pd 3,4, 5 Environmental Science

Mon: we will finish reviewing concepts of global warming
Tuesday: quiz on global warming (pg 363-369 and notes and handout)
Wed: volleyball tournament
Thur-Friday: Have a great Christmas vacation!

Pd 6 Biotechnology

Mon: quiz on di-hybrid crosses; start turkey lab
Tuesday: finish turkey lab
Wednesday: review turkey lab
Thur-Friday: Have a great Christmas vacation!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Monday: compare cell parts both animal and plant
Tuesday: we will view cells under microscope in lab
Wednesday: quiz on cell parts and their functions
Thursday: notes: percent calculations and practice (read pg 83-88) in preparation
Friday: set up homeostasis lab; quiz on percent calculations

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

Monday: basketball review game
Tuesday: Test: Chapter 11: Water Pollution
Wednesday: intro to global warming read 363-369
Thursday: Global Warming Notes and discussion
Friday: Pond Eutrophication Study: check results (lab handout)

Pd 6: Biotechnology

Monday: count F2 flies
Tuesday: video "Nova: Genes" and worksheet
Wednesday: practice punnett squares; quiz on mendel's exceptions I
Thursday: notes: Mendel's Exceptions II
Friday: count F2 flies, work toward finishing lab

Friday, December 4, 2009

Homework and Agenda for Week of Dec 7, 2009

Practical General Biology Pd 1,2

Mon: students draw and label diagram of plant and animal cell
Tues: notes on cell parts and functions
Wed: Cell lab: students view actual cells under the microscope
Thurs: Homeostasis notes
Friday: study for quiz on cell structures and functions

Environmental Science Pd 3,4,5

Mon: students set up eutrophication study (page 204-205)
Tues: water quality parameter packet
Wed: go over answers to packet
Thur: discuss threat's to Schuylkill county's waters
Fri: Quiz on water quality parameters

Biotechnology Pd 6

Mon: count F1/F2 drosophila crosses
Tues: watch video "nova:genes" complete worksheet
Wed: Punnet squares: di-hybrid cross worksheet due thursday
Thur: Start Turkey Lab
Fri: Finish Turkey Lab; quiz: mendel's discoveries

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mr. S. Homework/Agenda for December 1, 2009

Practical General Biology Pd 1,2

Tuesday: We will view our culture plates and finish bacteria lab
Wednesday: One day lab on algae structures and classification; study for quiz on Thursday
Thursday: Quiz on Algae, start reviewing for chapter test; study tonight!
Friday: Test on Microorganisms: Algae, Bacteria, Viruses, Protists, Fungi

Environmental Science Pd 3,4,5

Tuesday: we will get a water-use survey to take home as h.w. read page 302
Wednesday: set up eutrophication lab
Thursday: We will study the pH scale and problems it causes with water
Friday: Monitor the eutrophication study; quiz on pH

Biotechnology Pd 6

Tuesday: intro to new unit on Mendel's genetics; video "Nova: Genes"
Wednesday: Notes: mendel's contribution to genetics
thursday: Di-Hybrid cross worksheet and practice in class; quiz: fruit fly procedures
Friday: discuss Ethical issue and how to solve problems

Friday, November 20, 2009

Mr. Slotterback's homework assignments for week of Nov 23

Practical General Biology

Mon: we will be covering algae: h.w. for tuesday: pg 569:11-20, 603: 12-17, 24,25,27-32
Tues: finish bacteria lab and hand in worksheet
Wed: notes, then video on "Fungi of PA"
Happy Thanksgiving!

Environmental Science

Mon: work in class on Mahanoy Creek Report
Tues: work in class on correcting past student mistakes in phrasing of scientific statements; h.w. proofread their own report on Mahanoy Creek to look for instances where they could make their writing more clear. Report due the Friday after we get back from Thanksgiving Break.
Wed: We will discuss how to conserve limited water supply
Happy Thanksgiving!

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: students will continue to monitor flies/ set up cultures; lab notebooks need to be handed in to check for completeness and accuracy
Tues: Students watch video "Genes" and complete video worksheet
Wed: we will have class discussion on ethical issues
Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mr. Slotterback's Homework Week of Nov 16, 2009

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Mon: Notes on bacteria: we will collect bacteria from surfaces around the room and culture it. for h.w. read page 52-554 answer questions #1-5 (554) for Tuesday
Tues: we will have notes in class on viruses
Wed: we will observe growth of our bacteria
Thur: Bacteriophage drawing; video "bacteria
Friday: quiz on bacteria and viruses

Pd 3,4,5, Environmental Science

Mon: design experiment to test mahanoy creek samples
Tues: note on biomonitoring
Wed: do actual testing of polluted water samples
Thur: write rough draft of mahanoy creek report according to lab report rubric. Final version, typed will be due one week from this day
Fri: set up eutrophication study according to directions on page 204-205

Pd 6 Biotechnology

Mon-Wed. We will be using the microscopes from Science in Motion to study the movements of different types of pond organisms. We will learn to use the microscopes to save images and to process and print the images.
Thur- We will monitor the progress of our drosophila experiment
Fri: quiz on methods of selecting flies for crosses (use handouts to prepare for this quiz); short video on "Genes"

Friday, November 6, 2009

Homework Week of November 9,2009

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Monday: Read pg 518-521 answer questions #1-6; pg 533-535 #1-5 (due Tuesday)
Tuesday: students will construct their own dichotomous key
Thursday: study for Friday's test on taxonomy
Friday: Test: Taxonomy and Classification

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

Monday: dress warm to go outside to sample stream organisms; h.w. pg 304-311, #1-6 due Wed
Tuesday: we will design mahanoy creek water quality study
Wed: notes on water pollution
Thurs: test mahanoy creek samples
Friday: quiz: water resources; write draft of mahanoy creek report

Pd 6 Biotechnology

Monday: Today we will clear our vials to start collecting flies for breeding experiment; h.w. for thursday is reading strategy worksheet for pg 1-10 in genetics text
Tues-Wed: We were fortunate to be able to loan Science In Motions digital microscopes to take photos of microorganisms
Thursday: notes on Mendel's contributions to field of genetics
Friday: video worksheet "Nova:Genes"

Friday, October 30, 2009

Mr. Slotterback's Homework Week of Nov 2, 2009

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Monday we will start the unit on classification; notebooks should be turned in for grading
Tuesday we will construct a "creepy critter" key; homework due Thursday is to classify your pet
Wed: quiz on vocab for classification
Thursday: culture bacteria
Friday: review and test on Classification

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

Monday: complete worksheet on aquatic ecosystems: notebooks due to be checked: please have all notes up to date (you will be penalized for missing any lecture notes); homework pg 289:1 -6 due wed.
Tuesday: design acid mine drainage study of mahanoy creek
Wednesday: notes on water resources
Thursday: test mahanoy creek samples
Friday: quiz on water resources

Pd 6 Biotechnology

Monday: review for unit exam
Tuesday:chapter 1 and 7 exam
Wednesday: fly lab period; homework read pg 1-10 in " Human Genetics"and complete reading strategy worksheet
Thursday: Notes:Mendel's contributions
Friday: Video: "Genes" complete worksheet; check notebooks

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mr Slotterback's Homework week of Oct 26, 2009

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Monday we will finish notes on biotic/abiotic factors, succession, coevolution; h.w. due tuesday: pg 423: 10, 12, 13, 24, 30; pg 451: 12, 14 , 15, 18, 19, 20, 21
Tuesday: writing prompt: warning coloration
Wednesday: review game and test on Chapters 13, 14 "Ecology"
Thursday and Friday we will start unit on "Classification"

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

Monday: Finish notes on biotic relationships; h.w. due Tuesday: pg 115:10, 12, pg 143: 10-15, 17, 20; pg 225: 10,11, 13,14-17
Tuesday: reading strategy worksheet on human history and ecology
Wednesday: quiz: biotic relationships
Thursday: basketball review game for Ecology Exam: Chapters 4,5,8
Friday: Unit Exam "Ecology"

Pd 6 Biotechnology

Monday we will start our fruit fly cultures
Tuesday: notes on food biotechnology
Wednesday: in class students will complete reading strategy worksheet: "stem cells"
Thursday: review for unit exam "Biotech Applications and Food Industry" (Chapter 1,7)
Friday: Unit Exam

Friday, October 16, 2009

Class Agenda and Homework for Week of October 19, 2009

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Homework due Tuesday: read page 431-434 and answer questions #1-5
There will be a quiz on parts and function of the microscope on Monday.
Tuesday homework (due Wednesday): pg 440-444 to read and answer questions #1-6 (444)
Thursday and Friday we will be modeling predator/prey cycles as a lab in class

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

Monday night's homework: read pg 217-223 and answer questions #1-5 (223)
Homework for wednesday: read pg 211-216 and answer questions #1-6
Thursday will be a group activity to model carrying capacity

Pd 6 Genetics and Biotechnology

Monday will be quiz on LD50 notes and Mosquito Lab: Note it will be short answer format (answers not provided)
Tuesday: Mosquito lab report due
Wed-Friday we will start fruit fly lab. Read over your handout on fruit flies for Thursday and Friday so you know what we'll be doing.
Friday quiz: fruit fly biology (basics)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Homework for Week of October 12, 2009

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

This week we will continue with our theme of ecology. Thursday we will view pond organisms using the microscopes. Friday will be a quiz on biotic interactions and we will complete the predator/prey cycle lab: lynx vs hare.

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

This week we will continue studying ecology. Thursday we will practice identifying leaves in order to tell the species of the tree or shrub from which they came. Friday will be quiz on leaf types.

Pd 6 Genetics and Biotechnology

We will wrap up both the cheesemaking and mosquito labs this week. Thursday will be quiz on mosquito control. Friday will be quiz on cheesemaking.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Homework for week of October 5, 2009

PD 1,2 Practical General Biology

Tuesday notes on succession. Wed and Thur (Weather Permitting) we will go outside and do succession lab. Thursday: quiz on tree identification by leaf type.

PD 3, 4,5 Environmental Science

On Tuesday, notes on succession. Wed and Thur (Weather Permitting) we will go outside and do succession lab at two differents sites.

Pd 6 Genetics and Biotechnology

We will continue our cheesemaking lab this week. student groups should pick one variable and change it for a second experiment with the goal of increasing the yield of their cheese. On tuesday we will delve more into the scientific method as a way of helping students design their own experiment. Wednesday we will perform our new cheese experiment, letting it sit out overnight and weigh the next morning. Thursday will be wrap up of cheese experiment.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Homework Sep 28, 2009

Pd 1,2 Practical Biology

Grasshopper anatomy on monday and tuesday. Wed: quiz on grasshopper anatomy. Thursday review for insect test and Friday insect test.

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science
review for test monday and tuesday
wednesday: test on chapter 1,2
start ecology unit on thursday

Pd 6 Biotechnology
cheesemaking lab this week.
monday: quiz: biotech topics
wednesday: quiz on intro to biotech
friday: ethical discussion

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week of Sept 21, 2009

Pd 1,2 Practical Biology
Monday we will go outside for our last insect collecting trip. Tuesday we will research a certain order of insects in the library. Students will build a case for why their insects are the best, then they will debate it in "insect court" on wednesday. Friday: quiz on insect ecology concepts

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science
This week will focus on scientific method. We will work from the book chapter 2, section 1,2 and then try our own simple experiment on thursday. Quiz Friday on scientific method.

Pd 6 Biotechnology
Monday and tuesday we will finish presenting our biotech topics to the class.
We will start the topic of biotechnology in the food industry for the rest of the week. there will be a quiz (likely Thursday) on intro to biotechnology

Monday, September 14, 2009

Homework for week starting Sep 14, 2009

Pd 1,2 -Practical Biology
This week we will be going outside to collect various insects. Back in the lab we will label and pin them for long-term reference. Thursday will be the quiz on insect metamorphosis, collecting and pinning techniques

Pd 3,4,5- Environmental Science
Students will be working in their groups monday and tuesday to finish "Environmental Decision Model" Wed and Thursday will start discussing the scientific method.
Friday will be quiz on decision-making model

Pd 6- Genetics and Biotechnology
Students will be working in the library most of the week to finish the powerpoint presentation and one page factsheet on the topic they have chosen. We will start presenting results on Thursday.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Homework for Week of Sep 8, 2009

Welcome Back to The New School Year!

Practical General Biology
This week we will be studying insects, collecting them in the field (weather permitting). In case of poor weather we will be practicing the scientific method in class.

Environmental Science
This week we will get notes on Environmental Science and will discuss all the factors in making an environmental decision.
Vocab quiz on Friday

Genetics and Biotechnology
We will take advantage of being able to find mosquitos outdoors and bring them in to do a bioassay type experiment where we test a pesticide for its threshhold effects on the insects.
Vocab Quiz on Friday

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pd 1, 2 Environmental Science

This week is wrapup with all students completing finals (Thursday for Science)
Everyone make sure writing prompts and R.S.W. are turned in.
Notebooks will be collected Thursday

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology
Review Game Wednesday. Final Exam Thursday
Note: Final Exam for this Votech Group counts as 20% of their final course grade!

Pd 5 Academic Biology
Review Tuesday. Review Game Wednesday. Final Exam Thursday

Pd 6 Biotechnology
Everyone should have final completed (Thursday)
Notebooks due Thursday

Monday, May 18, 2009

Env. Science pd 1,2

tuesday: quiz on waste disposal; study guide passed out
wed: review game for final exam
thur: final exam for seniors
friday: test solar house design

Pd 3,4 Practical Biology

monday: notes on insects
tuesday: collect insects from stream; identify in lab
wednesday: dissect lubber grasshopper
thursday: quiz on insect metamorphosis
friday: finish genetic disease brochure

Pd 5 Academic Biology

tuesday: collect insects outside from stream
wednesday, thursday perch dissection
thursday: quiz: perch external anatomy

Pd 6 Biotechnology

monday: no class memorial day assembly
tuesday: review for final exam (cumulative)
wednesday: senior final exam
thursday: dvd genetic diseases
friday: read "muse" article and discuss

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pd 1, 2 Environmental Science

Thursday: students will make final modifications to solar house design.
Monday: more notes and discussion on waste and recycling. Quiz tuesday on waste and recycling notes up to this point.

Pd 3,4 Practical Biology

Thursday and Friday: we will be starting unit on insects, covering development on Thursday. Friday we may go out and collect some insects.

Pd 5 Academic Biology

Thursday we will finish our mitosis lab
Friday: students should prepare for quiz on mitosis

Pd 6 Biotechnology

Thursday: test on last unit and 2 labs
Friday: r.s.w. genetics of race
Monday: no class due to memorial day assembly in auditorium
Tuesday: review for final exam
Wednesday: final exam for seniors

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pd 1,2 Environmental Science

This week, weathe conditions permitting, we will continue to test our solar house design. We will also start into Chapter 19, waste and recycling. Tuesday's homework will be questions #1-6 (523)

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology

Monday's h.w. chapter review questions p 195: 12-20, 21-26
Tuesday quiz: fundamentals of genetics
Thursday will be a review and Friday's test will be on Genetics.

Pd 5 Academic Biology

mondays h.w.: pg 83: 1-5; pg 88: 1-5
tuesday quiz: percent calculations
thursday will be a review for Friday's test on Cell Biology

Pd 6 Biotech

mon and tuesday we will discuss pglo and purfication labs
quiz wed: proteins
quiz friday: translation

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pd 1,2 Env Science
This week we will go over chapter review questions. Thursday will be review game and Friday will be test on Non-renewable and renewable energy sources (chapter 17, 18)
Wednesday will be a few short notes on fuel cell technology, which is our last lecture topic before the test.

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology
This week we will be covering basic genetics. Wednesday we will extract dna from strawberries.
Wednesday's homework will be review questions on page 178-179 (#1-20) . Thursday we will practice punnett squares and have "races" on Friday.

Pd 5 Academic Biology
Tuesday and Wednesday we will be working on cell biology lab. students need to answer questions from lab and hand in on Wednesday. thursday and friday we will concentrate on homeostasis with percent saturation problems and quiz friday.

Pd 6 Biotechnology
We will discuss translation on Wednesday and Thursday we will start the pGlo lab. pGlo lab will continue into next week with us purifying the protein that was successfully produced in the lab.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pd 1,2 Environmental Science

Tuesday: study for wednesday's quiz on solar energy
Thursday: study for friday's quiz on nuclear energy
study from notes and the book
Friday we will start constructing our solar energy house models

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology
this week we will be covereing DNA structure
tuesday homework: pge 233 review questions
thurday: study for Friday's quiz on dna structure

Pd 5 Academic Biology
This week we will be covering the structure and function of various cell parts
and completing a cell lab.
Wednesday will be a quiz on cell structures and functions

Pd 6 Biotechnology
this week we will finish replication and transcription. there will be a quiz wednesday on replication, a quiz friday on transcription. By thursday we should be starting our "pGlo" transformation experiment which will continue into next week.

Monday, April 6, 2009

pd 1,2 Env Science

pg 479: #1-5

tuesday: notes on nuclear energy (remember if you are absent for the notes you need to get them from someone when you return)

pd 3,4 Practical Biology

page 137: #1-6 for tuesday
tuesday: quiz on stages of mitosis

pd 5 Academic Biology

we will complete a reading strategy worksheet (rsw) on stem cells
tuesday: notes on cell parts and functions

pd 6 biotechnology
monday: quiz on dna replication; r.s.w. on human genome project
tuesday: video on fruit fly genetics


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pd 1,2 Environmental Science

This weeks topic will be energy. For Friday: pg 493: #1-2, and 499:#2

Pd 3, 4 Practical General Biology
Review Wednesday for Thursday's test: Cell Biology

Pd 5 Academic Biology
Wednesday will be review for Thursday's test: mendelian genetics
the test will be book-based so reread the sections as well as study notes

Pd 6 Biotech
this week we will review and utilize hands-on models to demonstrate the structure of DNA, replication, and translation

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pd 1,2 Environmental Science

Test Wednesday on Air Pollution, chapters 12, 13
Next topic will be Energy

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology
quiz wednesday: cell structures and function

Pd 5 Academic Biology
wed: quiz on di-hybrid cross and punnett square
end of the week we will be practicing with pedigrees

Pd 6 Biotechnology
wed: quiz on pcr
for wednesday complete questions at the end of chapter 8 in biotech book

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Note: due to PSSA testing there will be no homework assigned or quizzes/tests given within classes on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Pd 1,2 Env. Sci
Thursday the global warming essay is due. should be typed. The test on chapters 11 and 12 is now postponed until next wednesday (3/25)

Pd 3, 4 Practical Biology
This week we will be starting to study the cell, its structures and their functions.

Pd 5 Academic Biology
This week we will do di-hybrid cross punnett squares and finish a lab on genetics of babies.

Pd 6 Biotech
This week we will be busy doing a Crime Scene Investigation- PCR lab. Tuesday night students should copy procedures into their lab notebooks (quik quide only). Science in Motion will be coming into the classroom wednesday with thermocycler and related equipment.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Pd 1,2 Environmental Science

for tuesday: page 339:#1-6
for wednesday: copy pH scale into notebooke (pg 336)
for thursday: page 362: #1-6

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology

We will finish notes on Fungi on monday. test on all five microorganism groups (fungi, bacteria, protists, algae, viruses) will be Thursday
Tuesday students should complete chapter review questions 569:#11-20, 23, 25-27 and page 603: #12-17, 24, 25, 27-32
Quiz tuesday on fungi
Quiz wednesday on algae

Pd 5 Academic Biology

We will be practicing punnett squares this week to predict genetic cross outcomes.
Friday will be a quiz on punnett squares

Pd 6 Biotechnology

This week we will be covering significant figures. quiz will be wednesday. The end of the week we will start discussing lab on PCR, the polymerase chain reaction which we will do next week.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pd 1,2 Env. Science

"Be Waterwise" Poster for Schuylkill Conservation District Contest due next Monday. We will work on it in class Monday and Tuesday. Students should also find an environmental article from newspaper and bring it in by next monday. The rest of the week we will continue into our air pollution unit, discussing and demonstrating inversions.

Students will need to do research outside of class on both sides of the global warming debate: is global warming mostly a natural cycle, or mostly caused by people's actions? Students will then write an opinion paper on what they find.

Pd 3,4 Practical Biology

For tuesday: section reviews pg 558:#1-6, 561: #1-5, and 565: #1-6
We will focus on protists and algae this week and conclude our microorganism unit next week . Wednesday will be a quiz on bacteria.

Pd 5 Academic Biology

for tuesday: pg 171: #1-5 and 176: #1-5
Tuesday will be a lecture on meiosis and the week will conclude with Notes on Mendel's genetics and students practicing punnett squares. Friday will be a quiz on meiosis

Pd 6 Biotechnology

This week we will practice unit analysis method of converting units and apply it by converting metric to english units. Another topic this week will be significant figures, with a quiz on that Thursday. Next topic will be modeling DNA structure.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pd 1, 2 Environmental Science

Tuesday we will go outside and count birds for the Great Backyard Bird Count. This was postponed from Friday because of windy weather.

Wed and Thursday we will review for Friday's test on Endangered/ Invasive Species

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology

Tuesday we will participate in Great Backyard Bird Count
Wednesday we will practice making taxonomic keys. h.w.: pg 540: #6-20
Thursday we will review for Friday's exam on Classification

Pd 5 Academic Biology

Tuesday we will participate in Great Backyard Bird Count
Wednesday we will go over replication and transcription (watching video clips) : h.w. page 255: #1-6
Thursday we will cover translation
Friday: quiz on replication/ transcription
Test next week on DNA structure

Pd 6 Biotechnology
Tuesday: pipette lab
Wed: quiz: lamda dna electrophoresis (lab procedure) ; prepare agarose gel for lamda dna lab; h.w. : dna goes to the races
Thur: students run gels for lamda dna lab
Fri: students read gels and interpret results; go over dna races activity

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pd 1,2

this week we will practice identifying some of PA's winter birds in preparation for Friday's "Great American Backyard Bird Count". Student data will be posted to Cornell University's website. No tests or quizzes this week due to PSSA testing.

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology
Monday and Tuesday we will study "classification" and practice producing our own taxonomic keys. Students should classify their pets as a homework assignment due Friday. Also, Friday we will be participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count.

Pd 5 Academic Biology
Tuesday we will get notes on DNA transcription. We will then put this topic on hold for the rest of the week as we practice identifying birds and participating in the Great Backyard Bird count on Friday. Weather should be good.

Pd 6 Biotechnology
Tuesday: notes on restriction enzymes and "DNA scissors" activity; This week we will prepare for the lab "Lambda DNA" by practicing measuring with pipettes and preparing gels for elecrophoresis.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pd 1, 2 Environmental Science

This week we will pretty much be finishing up the unit on endangered/invasive species.

thursday: invasive species of the great lakes lab
friday: discuss the lab, cane toad video, webquest, etc.

note: because of PSSA testing next week review will be thursday and test friday on the unit

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology

This week we will be putting the scientific method into use in a pendulum lab experiment
there will be a quiz on the scientific method on thursday

Thursday and Friday we will study classification

Pd 5 Academic Biology

Wednesday: Strawberry DNA lab
Thursday: review questions #1-5 on page 238
Friday: quiz on DNA structure

Pd 6 Biotech

Quiz wednesday on di-hybrid cross
Thursday and Friday "Restriction Enzymes" topic

Students will need their Biotech books this week.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Env Sci Pd 1,2

Tuesday page 269:#1-6 section review questions. write out question or answer in complete senteces
Thursday: lab on invasive species
Friday: study for quiz on vocab for endangered species: keystone spp, threatened spp, candidate spp, etc.

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology

We will be learning to use the microscopes this week and will complete a protist lab on them. Thursday will also be introduction to scientific method. Friday will be quiz on the parts and functions of the microscope parts

Pd 5 Academic Bio

This week's topic is structure of DNA. we will complete building our dna molecule on Tuesday, and answer the worksheet.

Thursday will be DNA extraction using strawberries.
Friday will be a quiz on DNA structure

Pd 6 Biotech

Tuesday we will start writing our "Animal Use in Research Essay". Wednesday we will cover any questions on chi-square. Thursday and Friday we are scheduled for library. Students may work on essay or finishing up their Drosophila lab report (due friday jan 30).

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Environmental Science Pd 1,2

Lecture on Wednesday on how to list and endangered species
Thursday: activity on PA's biodiversity
Friday: continue working on endangered species brochure

Practical General Biology Pd 3,4

Welcome New students to this course!

Wednesday's homework: get covers on the books- they are brand new!
Thursday: we will learn to use the microscopes
Friday: quiz on parts to the microscope

Academic Bio Pd 5

Wednesday we will be in the library to finish our brochures on an infectious disease
Thursday: notes in class on Gregor Mendel and basic genetics
Friday: Practice punnett squares

Biotechnology Pd 6

Thursday: Reading assignment on use of animals in research; r.s.w.
Friday: quiz on chi-square analysis of two genetics problems, includes null hypothesis