Monday, January 25, 2010

Mr. Slotterback's homework assignments for week of Jan 25, 2010

Pd 1,2 Practical Environmental Science

Mon: we will discuss environmental science basics
Tues: Discuss examples of local environmental problems
Wed: quiz: intro to enviro science
Thur: Notes: What is science?
Fri: Experiment to test two variables

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

Mon: pg 275 in book, endangered species reasons
Tues: Notes: why species become extinct
Wed-Frid: work on internet and constructing brochure on endangered species of own choosing

Pd 6 Biotechnology

Mon: Finish examples of binomial theorem
Tues: quiz on Binomial theorem and application to genetics
Wed: Lecture on chi-square analysis
Thur: chi-square practice
Friday: GMO articles and summaries

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology/ Practical Environmental Science

Tuesday: collect notebooks, make-up assignments
Wednesday: Last day of class. Go over final exams.
Thursday: First day of class for Environmental: classroom procedures; discuss local environmental problems
Friday: Books given out; vocab words page 25

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science
Tuesday: Mid-term exam (pd 5)
Wednesday: students get final exams back, go over answers
Thursday: Lecture: What is an endangered species?
Friday: Pennsylvania Diversity activity

Pd 6 Biotechnology
Tuesday: final fly counts
Wednesday: binomial theorem practice problems
Thursday: Students write essay on use of animals in biomedical research
Friday: quiz: binomial theorem; work on essay

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mr. Slotterback's Homework Week of Jan 11, 2010

Pd 1, 2 Practical General Biology

Mon: Study sheet to review for Midterm Exam; practice Punnett Squares
Tues: Basketball Review Game
Wed: Midterm Exam- study old quizzes, look over your notes, study the review sheet

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

Mon: Study Sheet to review for Midterm Exam
Tues: Basketball Review Game
Wed-Thur: More study time for midterm exam
Friday: Midterm Exam: study notes, old quizzes, review sheet (Note: Pd 5 will be tested on Tuesday January 19th) Chapters students will be responsible for: 1,2,4,5,7,8,11

Pd 6 Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: Review for Midterm Exam
Tues: Basketball Review Game
Wed: no class due to early dismissal
Thur: Midterm Exam
Friday: no class due to early dismissal

Monday, January 4, 2010

Mr. Slotterback's homework assignments for week of Jan 4, 2010

Note to all classes: Next week will be midterm exams. Start reviewing your material from first half of the year.

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Mon: mitosis notes; students start mitosis lab
Tues: h.w. students define vocab words page 168 and 180
Wed: quiz: mitosis; notes on Punnett Squares
Thur: Baby Genetics Lab
Fri: quiz: fundamentals of genetics

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

Mon: students read pg 259-262 and answer review questions
Tues: we will watch video "Strangers in Paradise" complete worksheet
Wed: Discuss endangered Species
Thur: Students work on internet project: endangered species
Friday: continue researching endangered species

Pd 6 Biotechnology

Mon: Finish collecting fly data in lab
Tues: Turkey Lab (start)
Wed: Turkey Lab (finish)
Thur: notes: basic statistics, worksheet for homework
Friday: last fly check, start report