Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Welcome Back! First Week of School

Note to all classes: please remember to bring in your signed discipline policy form. Thanks!

Practical Biology (Pd 1,2)

Mon:scope of the course
Tues:finish book intro worksheet
Wed:pseudoscience articles
Thur:CONPTT; talking to the text
Fri:quiz: biological prefixes

Genetics and Biotechnology (Pd 3,6)

Mon:scope of the course
Tues: your world 7(2) worksheet
Wed: intro to biotech notes
Thur:ethical dilemna worksheet
Fri:biotech decision handout

Environmental Science (Pd 5,7)

Mon:scope of the course
Tues: grading policy/rules
Wed:notes: intro to ecology
Thur:section review ?s
Fri: articles on local environmental problem due along with 1/2 page summary