Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pd 1, 2 Environmental Science

This week is wrapup with all students completing finals (Thursday for Science)
Everyone make sure writing prompts and R.S.W. are turned in.
Notebooks will be collected Thursday

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology
Review Game Wednesday. Final Exam Thursday
Note: Final Exam for this Votech Group counts as 20% of their final course grade!

Pd 5 Academic Biology
Review Tuesday. Review Game Wednesday. Final Exam Thursday

Pd 6 Biotechnology
Everyone should have final completed (Thursday)
Notebooks due Thursday

Monday, May 18, 2009

Env. Science pd 1,2

tuesday: quiz on waste disposal; study guide passed out
wed: review game for final exam
thur: final exam for seniors
friday: test solar house design

Pd 3,4 Practical Biology

monday: notes on insects
tuesday: collect insects from stream; identify in lab
wednesday: dissect lubber grasshopper
thursday: quiz on insect metamorphosis
friday: finish genetic disease brochure

Pd 5 Academic Biology

tuesday: collect insects outside from stream
wednesday, thursday perch dissection
thursday: quiz: perch external anatomy

Pd 6 Biotechnology

monday: no class memorial day assembly
tuesday: review for final exam (cumulative)
wednesday: senior final exam
thursday: dvd genetic diseases
friday: read "muse" article and discuss

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pd 1, 2 Environmental Science

Thursday: students will make final modifications to solar house design.
Monday: more notes and discussion on waste and recycling. Quiz tuesday on waste and recycling notes up to this point.

Pd 3,4 Practical Biology

Thursday and Friday: we will be starting unit on insects, covering development on Thursday. Friday we may go out and collect some insects.

Pd 5 Academic Biology

Thursday we will finish our mitosis lab
Friday: students should prepare for quiz on mitosis

Pd 6 Biotechnology

Thursday: test on last unit and 2 labs
Friday: r.s.w. genetics of race
Monday: no class due to memorial day assembly in auditorium
Tuesday: review for final exam
Wednesday: final exam for seniors

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pd 1,2 Environmental Science

This week, weathe conditions permitting, we will continue to test our solar house design. We will also start into Chapter 19, waste and recycling. Tuesday's homework will be questions #1-6 (523)

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology

Monday's h.w. chapter review questions p 195: 12-20, 21-26
Tuesday quiz: fundamentals of genetics
Thursday will be a review and Friday's test will be on Genetics.

Pd 5 Academic Biology

mondays h.w.: pg 83: 1-5; pg 88: 1-5
tuesday quiz: percent calculations
thursday will be a review for Friday's test on Cell Biology

Pd 6 Biotech

mon and tuesday we will discuss pglo and purfication labs
quiz wed: proteins
quiz friday: translation