Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Agenda for week of October 22, 2012

Practical General Biology

Mon:review for test on Microorganisms
Tues:test on Microorganisms: Algae, protists, bacteria, viruses, fungi
Wed:start Chapter 2: Chemistry of life
Thur: practice more Bohr's model of the atom
Fri:quiz: life's chemistry

Environmental Science

Mon:notes: threats to forests
Tues: no pd 3 class due to senior pssa retests
Wed: no pd 3 class due to senior pssa retests
Thur: students go outside to model "Oh Deer" activity
Fri:read pg 211-216 (#1-6); pg 217-223 (#1-5)

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon:practice chi-square problems in class
Tues: more practice chi-square: finish wksht #1, start wksht #2
Wed: go over wksht #2; library to start writing up fruit fly lab
Thur: work on your own fly data to determine an answer to the experiment
Fri:quiz on chi-square, library to work on paper

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