Monday, April 19, 2010

Mr. Slotterback's Homework Week of Apr 19, 2010

PSSA Testing Note: No quizzes, tests or homework will be given Mon-Thur

Practical Environmental Science

Mon: lecture on water pollution
Tues: pH scale: testing lab
Wed: start eutrophication study
Thur: discuss pollution case studies
Fri: quiz: macroinvertebrate survey index

Environmental Science

Mon: go over pages 475, 479
Tues: Notes: Nuclear Energy
Wed: Notes: Solar Energy
Thur: Outside cleanup for earthday
Fri: quiz: nuclear energy

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: complete reviewing pGlo lab; sig fig practice if extra time
Tues: practice significant figures
Wed: start genetic disease brochure
Thur: continue genetic disease brochure
Fri: finish genetic disease brochure

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