Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Homework/Agenda for Week of Mar 11, 2013

Prac Env Sci

Mon: trip outside to compare two forest areas for succession (wksht)
Tues: notes: Succession, work on biome posters
Wed: library to work on succession webquest assignment
Thur: finish posters
Fri:lynx vs hare predator/prey modeling lab

Environmental Science

Mon: students study the effect of materials on treating global warming
Tues: finish writing lab wksht, assign 341:10-19, 342:22,25,26 and 371:14-18, 372:21,22,26,27
Wed:go over chapter 12, 13 review questions
Thur: basketball review game
Fri: test on Air Pollution (chapt 12, 13)

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: summary of two articles from Your World: the world is changing: summarize both articles with respect to how they relate to bioethics
Tues: notes: sum and product rule stats
Wed: check flies; bionomial theorem
Thur:quizon basic stats
Fri: quiz on binomial theorem

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