Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Homework/Agenda Week of January 21, 2013

Practical Env Science

Mon:books given out/ rules/ expectations/ book intro wksht
Tues: most students taking 11th grade Keystone Exams
Wed: lecture: What is science/scientific method/ Bart simpson wksht
Thur: finish lecturepg 8: #1-5; pg 15: #1-6
Fri:penny lab/ scientific study posters

Environmental Science

Mon: finish notes on endangered species; bog turtle article and 5 questions for h.w.
Tues: pennsylvania biodiversity lab
Wed: notes: invasive species
Thur: invasive species lab: invasives of the Great Lakes
Fri: quiz: endangered species; start video "Cane Toads"

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: class introductions, rules and expectations; Your World 7(2) and wksht
Tues: start biotech report in library (pd 6) then ethics
Wed: notes: use of animals in biomedical research; library pd 6
Thur: finish biotech powerpoint in library (6,7); quiz: intro to biotech
Fri: start presenting student biotech topics.

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