Monday, May 12, 2014

Agenda for Week of May 12, 2014

A few reminders:
Thursday and Friday this week will be Keystone Testing.
Friday will be shortened periods for pep rally.
The end of the year is fast approaching.

Practical Env. Science

Mon: quiz on water resources and on water pollution; notes on Biomonitoring
Tues:practice identifying macroinverts and doing diversity/pollution index; go outside to small stream for macros
Wed: AMD notes and chemical testing of stream samples
Thur:review for Monday's test on Water Pollution
Fri: review for Monday's test on Water Pollution

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon:Histories Mysteries video clip and wksht
Tues:fingerprint lab
Wed: c.s.i game
Thur:mock crime scene
Fri: c.s.i. game

Environmental Science

Mon:nuclear energy notes
Tues: solar/fuel cell notes; quiz on nuclear
Wed: coal: bootlegger video; quiz on solar/fuel cell
Thur: finish coal/bootlegger
Fri: start reviewing for final

Genetics and Biotechnology (PD 6,7)
Mon:test: biostatistics; notes PCR
Tues:quiz PCR; notes on C.S.I.
Wed: fingerprint/blood lab/ history's mysteries wksht
Thur:quiz c.s.i. /c.s.i. game
Fri: start reviewing for final exam

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