Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pd 1,2

this week we will practice identifying some of PA's winter birds in preparation for Friday's "Great American Backyard Bird Count". Student data will be posted to Cornell University's website. No tests or quizzes this week due to PSSA testing.

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology
Monday and Tuesday we will study "classification" and practice producing our own taxonomic keys. Students should classify their pets as a homework assignment due Friday. Also, Friday we will be participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count.

Pd 5 Academic Biology
Tuesday we will get notes on DNA transcription. We will then put this topic on hold for the rest of the week as we practice identifying birds and participating in the Great Backyard Bird count on Friday. Weather should be good.

Pd 6 Biotechnology
Tuesday: notes on restriction enzymes and "DNA scissors" activity; This week we will prepare for the lab "Lambda DNA" by practicing measuring with pipettes and preparing gels for elecrophoresis.

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