Friday, February 27, 2015

Homework/Agenda week of March 2, 2015

Practical Biology (Pd 1,2)

Mon:observation vs inference wksht; graphing packet
Tues: study guide; quiz on scientific method
Wed: go over study guide/ review game
Thur:Test on Chapter 1 and 2
Fri:scientific method in the search for aids cure

Genetics and Biotechnology (Pd 3,6)

Mon: finish enzyme lab: effect of temp and concentration
Tues: lecture: restriction enzymes
Wed: restriction enzyme lab write-in
Thur: restriction enzyme lab #1
Fri: restriction enzyme lab #2

Environmental Science (Pd 5,7)

Mon: lecture: invasive species
Tues:lab: endangered species of the Great Lakes (worksheet)
Wed: view delta smelt and Asian carp invasive video
Thur: importance of birds writing prompt
Fri: cane toad video

Friday, February 20, 2015

Homework/Agenda Feb 23, 2015

Practical Biology (Pd 1,2)

Mon:finish env decision poster "flyash"
Tues:quiZ:env dec model; simpson's worksheet
Wed: lecture: what is science; start poster experiment project
Thur:quiz: scientific method
Fri: review study guide for chapt 1,2 test

Genetics and Biotechnology (Pd 3,6)

Mon:quiz: micropipette/microcentrifuge
Tues: library to type up animal paper (due Mar 2)
Wed:lecture: enzymes
Thur:enzyme lab (start)
Fri:enzyme lab (finish)

Environmental Science (Pd 5,7)

Mon:video "strangers in paradise"
Tues: library: end spp brochure
Wed:library: end spp brochure
Thur:library: end spp brochure
Fri:hawaii slides palila project

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Homework/Agenda week of Feb 9, 2015

Practical Biology (Pd 1,2)

Tues:how to i.d. winter birds lecture
Wed: bird photo quiz and competition of poster identification
Thur: go outside to count birds for Great Backyard Bird count: students please dress for cold and snowy weather
Fri: act 80 no school

Genetics and Biotechnology (Pd 3,6)

Tues:finish notes on use of animals in research
Wed: quiz: metric to metric conversions; start researching animal paper (due date March 1, 2015)
Thur:outline of animal research essay
Fri: act 80 no school

Environmental Science (Pd 5,7)

Tues:practice id of winter birds
Wed:slides of winter birds
Thur:go outside for Great Backyard Bird Count; students please dress for cold and snowy weather
Fri:act 80 day, no school

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Homework/Agenda for Week of Feb 2, 2015

Happy Groundhog Day!

Practical Biology (Pd 1,2)

Tues: pg 21 q1-5; quiz: intro to env sci
Wed:discuss local env articles; view videos tragedy of commons
Thur: decision making model notes; start reading articles
Fri:group discussion on articles; start filling out chart

Genetics and Biotechnology (Pd 3,6)
Tues: sig fig quiz
Wed: practice metric metric conversions wksht
Thur:quiz: metric conversions
Fri:notes: use of animals in biomedical research

Environmental Science (Pd 5,7)

Tues:quiz: end species definitions
Wed:why are birds imp? reading packet
Thur:ldc writing task
Fri:Hawaii strangers in paradise video