Friday, February 28, 2014

Homework/Agenda Week of March 3, 2014

Practical Env. Science

Mon:lecture: endangered species, pa diversity activity
Tues:wksht"impotance of biodiversity"; vocab words from chapter 10 definitions
Wed:quiz: endangered species; lecture: what makes species go extinct; bog turtle wksht
Thur:notes: invasive species; wkshts "Enemies among Us" or "invasives" wksht
Fri:invasive species lab

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon:start lambda DNA lab; prepare gel
Tues:load and run gels
Wed:destain and interpret results of gel
Thur:draw standard curve, finish questions in lab packet and hand in
Fri:quiz: lambda DNA/electrophoresis/restriction enzymes

Environmental Science

Mon:lecture "what makes species go extinct"
Tues:chapter 10 section review questions: read first, then answer the questions: p259-262: 1-5; p263-269:1-6; p270-275: #1-7
Wed:invasive species lab
Thur:lecutre on invasive species
Fri:Video "Cane Toad" and wksht

Genetics and Biotechnology (PD 6,7)
Mon:collect papers on animal research; count drosophil flies (F1 results)
Tues:start mosquito LD50 lab
Wed:finish mosquito LD50 lab
Thur:finish counting flies for Drosophila lab
Fri:elements of experimental design practice: Bart Simpson wksht

Friday, February 21, 2014

Homework/Agenda Feb 24, 2014

Practical Env. Science

Mon:go over data from GBBC; Mr. S. section birdwatch; Mrs Boyer writing prompt
Tues:lecture: environmental decision model; chapter 2 section review questions
Wed: read articles on Lavelle flyash; start poster
Thur:finish poster
Fri: video wksht" Cane Toad"

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: lecture: animal rights
Tues:demonstrate electophoresis/ dna to races lab
Wed:library: type up paper on animal use in research (for essay contest)
Thur: library: finish typing essay
Fri:debate on bioethical issue

Environmental Science

Mon: finish writing prompt
Tues:notes: invasive species
Wed: "Cane toad" video wksht
Thur:invasive species lab
Fri:LDC writing task"importance of monitoring birds" due

Genetics and Biotechnology (PD 6,7)
Mon:lecture on animal rights/ check drosophila lab
Tues:library: start writing up writing prompt (for essay contest)
Wed:library (6th) to finish LDC task/start mosquito lab
Thur: finish mosquito lab
Fri:check drosophila flies

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Homework/Agenda Week of Feb 10, 2014

Practical Env. Science

Mon: intro to GBBC powerpoint, how to identify birds reference packet
Tues:Gestalt wksht; color bird diagrams and label with parts
Wed: practice bird i.d. outside (if not too cold)
Thur: bird quiz: be able to identify local winter birds
Fri: GBBC outside count

Genetics and Biotechnology

Mon: start microcentrifuge lab
Tues:finish microcentrifuge lab
Wed: quiz on microcentrifuge and micropipette
Thur: quiz on enzymes; start restriction enzyme lab
Fri: finish restriction enzyme lab

Environmental Science

Mon: bird identification packet/ color bird diagrams
Tues: gestalt wksht
Wed: identify common winter birds/ practice with powerpoint slides
Thur:quiz: winter birds
Fri: GBBC go outside to count birds (dress warm, even if we have a two hour delay we will try to get out)

Genetics and Biotechnology (PD 6,7)
Mon: check fruit fly cultures, lecture on Drosophila
Tues:quiz: intro to biotech; start lab notebook
Wed:finish student presentations
Thur:quiz: mendel; lecture on scientific method
Fri: quiz: student presentation topics, mosquito lab start