Friday, October 30, 2009

Mr. Slotterback's Homework Week of Nov 2, 2009

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Monday we will start the unit on classification; notebooks should be turned in for grading
Tuesday we will construct a "creepy critter" key; homework due Thursday is to classify your pet
Wed: quiz on vocab for classification
Thursday: culture bacteria
Friday: review and test on Classification

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

Monday: complete worksheet on aquatic ecosystems: notebooks due to be checked: please have all notes up to date (you will be penalized for missing any lecture notes); homework pg 289:1 -6 due wed.
Tuesday: design acid mine drainage study of mahanoy creek
Wednesday: notes on water resources
Thursday: test mahanoy creek samples
Friday: quiz on water resources

Pd 6 Biotechnology

Monday: review for unit exam
Tuesday:chapter 1 and 7 exam
Wednesday: fly lab period; homework read pg 1-10 in " Human Genetics"and complete reading strategy worksheet
Thursday: Notes:Mendel's contributions
Friday: Video: "Genes" complete worksheet; check notebooks

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mr Slotterback's Homework week of Oct 26, 2009

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Monday we will finish notes on biotic/abiotic factors, succession, coevolution; h.w. due tuesday: pg 423: 10, 12, 13, 24, 30; pg 451: 12, 14 , 15, 18, 19, 20, 21
Tuesday: writing prompt: warning coloration
Wednesday: review game and test on Chapters 13, 14 "Ecology"
Thursday and Friday we will start unit on "Classification"

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

Monday: Finish notes on biotic relationships; h.w. due Tuesday: pg 115:10, 12, pg 143: 10-15, 17, 20; pg 225: 10,11, 13,14-17
Tuesday: reading strategy worksheet on human history and ecology
Wednesday: quiz: biotic relationships
Thursday: basketball review game for Ecology Exam: Chapters 4,5,8
Friday: Unit Exam "Ecology"

Pd 6 Biotechnology

Monday we will start our fruit fly cultures
Tuesday: notes on food biotechnology
Wednesday: in class students will complete reading strategy worksheet: "stem cells"
Thursday: review for unit exam "Biotech Applications and Food Industry" (Chapter 1,7)
Friday: Unit Exam

Friday, October 16, 2009

Class Agenda and Homework for Week of October 19, 2009

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

Homework due Tuesday: read page 431-434 and answer questions #1-5
There will be a quiz on parts and function of the microscope on Monday.
Tuesday homework (due Wednesday): pg 440-444 to read and answer questions #1-6 (444)
Thursday and Friday we will be modeling predator/prey cycles as a lab in class

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

Monday night's homework: read pg 217-223 and answer questions #1-5 (223)
Homework for wednesday: read pg 211-216 and answer questions #1-6
Thursday will be a group activity to model carrying capacity

Pd 6 Genetics and Biotechnology

Monday will be quiz on LD50 notes and Mosquito Lab: Note it will be short answer format (answers not provided)
Tuesday: Mosquito lab report due
Wed-Friday we will start fruit fly lab. Read over your handout on fruit flies for Thursday and Friday so you know what we'll be doing.
Friday quiz: fruit fly biology (basics)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Homework for Week of October 12, 2009

Pd 1,2 Practical General Biology

This week we will continue with our theme of ecology. Thursday we will view pond organisms using the microscopes. Friday will be a quiz on biotic interactions and we will complete the predator/prey cycle lab: lynx vs hare.

Pd 3,4,5 Environmental Science

This week we will continue studying ecology. Thursday we will practice identifying leaves in order to tell the species of the tree or shrub from which they came. Friday will be quiz on leaf types.

Pd 6 Genetics and Biotechnology

We will wrap up both the cheesemaking and mosquito labs this week. Thursday will be quiz on mosquito control. Friday will be quiz on cheesemaking.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Homework for week of October 5, 2009

PD 1,2 Practical General Biology

Tuesday notes on succession. Wed and Thur (Weather Permitting) we will go outside and do succession lab. Thursday: quiz on tree identification by leaf type.

PD 3, 4,5 Environmental Science

On Tuesday, notes on succession. Wed and Thur (Weather Permitting) we will go outside and do succession lab at two differents sites.

Pd 6 Genetics and Biotechnology

We will continue our cheesemaking lab this week. student groups should pick one variable and change it for a second experiment with the goal of increasing the yield of their cheese. On tuesday we will delve more into the scientific method as a way of helping students design their own experiment. Wednesday we will perform our new cheese experiment, letting it sit out overnight and weigh the next morning. Thursday will be wrap up of cheese experiment.