Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Env Sci Pd 1,2

Tuesday page 269:#1-6 section review questions. write out question or answer in complete senteces
Thursday: lab on invasive species
Friday: study for quiz on vocab for endangered species: keystone spp, threatened spp, candidate spp, etc.

Pd 3,4 Practical General Biology

We will be learning to use the microscopes this week and will complete a protist lab on them. Thursday will also be introduction to scientific method. Friday will be quiz on the parts and functions of the microscope parts

Pd 5 Academic Bio

This week's topic is structure of DNA. we will complete building our dna molecule on Tuesday, and answer the worksheet.

Thursday will be DNA extraction using strawberries.
Friday will be a quiz on DNA structure

Pd 6 Biotech

Tuesday we will start writing our "Animal Use in Research Essay". Wednesday we will cover any questions on chi-square. Thursday and Friday we are scheduled for library. Students may work on essay or finishing up their Drosophila lab report (due friday jan 30).

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Environmental Science Pd 1,2

Lecture on Wednesday on how to list and endangered species
Thursday: activity on PA's biodiversity
Friday: continue working on endangered species brochure

Practical General Biology Pd 3,4

Welcome New students to this course!

Wednesday's homework: get covers on the books- they are brand new!
Thursday: we will learn to use the microscopes
Friday: quiz on parts to the microscope

Academic Bio Pd 5

Wednesday we will be in the library to finish our brochures on an infectious disease
Thursday: notes in class on Gregor Mendel and basic genetics
Friday: Practice punnett squares

Biotechnology Pd 6

Thursday: Reading assignment on use of animals in research; r.s.w.
Friday: quiz on chi-square analysis of two genetics problems, includes null hypothesis